Keller Williams Lynchburg - Wendy Witt


Greenwood and Longwood Cemeteries


Serene views in the Longwood / Greenwood Cemeteries

This may be an odd topic for a real estate blog. However, we have been noticing a lot that, wherever we go, cemeteries do seem to take up the best real estate!!! I walk through Greenwood cemetery a lot, so it brings peace, recreation, history and beauty. So, I did a little research on the history of this particular cemetery. Maybe you’ll find it interesting as well!!

Greenwood Cemetery in Bedford, Virginia, carries with it a rich and fascinating history that spans generations. Established in 1872, Greenwood stands as a poignant testament to the community’s heritage and its commitment to honoring the memories of the departed. Originally conceived as a burial ground for the local residents, Greenwood’s serene landscapes and solemn beauty soon attracted widespread recognition.
Over the years, Greenwood Cemetery has evolved into more than just a final resting place. With its historic markers signifying our soldiers, in WWII and our losses on DDay, as well as other wars, elegant headstones, and diverse array of interred individuals ranging from prominent figures to the everyday person, the cemetery serves as a valuable repository of stories and legacies. The gravesites at Greenwood reflect the shifting social dynamics, cultural norms, and historical events that have shaped Bedford and its inhabitants. With the National Elks Home located in Bedford for years and years, those who participated in this socially and service engaged community throughout the nation are buried here.

Walking through the peaceful grounds of Greenwood Cemetery, one cannot help but feel a sense of connection to the past and a profound respect for those who came before. The history of Greenwood is not just a chronicle of death but a narrative of lives lived, dreams cherished, and memories preserved for eternity. In this sacred space, the echoes of the past reverberate, reminding us of our shared humanity and the enduring power of remembrance.

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