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How Will Your Life Change When You Relocate?

Whether you are moving across the country for a new job, or moving to a new school district so your kids can get a better education, moving to a new town will inevitably take some transitioning, where stress and a lack of preparation can easily get the best of you. Because there are so many factors outside of your control, it is important to do some research on your new town ahead of time so that you have an idea of what to expect.

Keep in mind that where you live can have a huge impact on your quality of life, and make sure that you know what you’re getting yourself into. If you hate hot weather, for example, think twice before moving to a city in the south. Business Insider has compiled a list of US cities with the best quality of life, with Bellevue, Washington and Alexandria, Virginia coming in first and second – but if moving to any of these cities isn’t in the cards, here’s a short list of important factors that you should consider when moving to a new city.
Deciding on where to live can be one of the most important and stressful decisions you and your family will make. So many aspects of your life is linked to where you live, including where you work, what schools your family will go to, the friends everyone will meet, the types of activities that will fill your days, and the opportunities to enjoy the world around you. But like any other daunting task, the decision of where to live can be best accomplished by breaking it down it smaller choices, then narrowing the field from there. Take into consideration a place’s climate, arts and culture, history, economic strength, schools, and more. It’s important to not only weigh and prioritize your own preferences, but also the preferences of the family that will join you. If you have children of any age, try to involve them in the process. Listen to what they say about what they want to find in a home or neighborhood. You may not be able to check off everything on their wish list, but simply being included in the process can dramatically improve their happiness and satisfaction with your final choice. Regardless, know that there is almost something great about every city you might choose from, and there probably is not one perfect choice, since each borough, town, city and metropolis has their own wonderful things to offer.
Unless you’re a die-hard city dweller, chances are you’ve dreamed of living in a rural or semi-rural area with land and room for a big garden and enough acreage to justify a riding lawn mower. If you’re one of the millions of Americans dreaming of owning rural property, here are the six basic things you should consider before you buy:
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